Friday September 12th 6pm. As I pull up to the Sandals parking lot i see many faces some new some all to familiar. I get out of my car and greet many of the people that have shown up early to hang out and talk before we load up the trucks. Cristen Smith is the first to catch my eye and, I help her unload her car and give her a big hug. For today is the start of an amazing weekend. More people start showing up, some with a car full of there family. Others with hammers, and food. The parking lot is full now. Smiles, and hugs make there way around. We call our selves the Pasos Family. Not because it is a name but because that is what we truly are, a loving and caring family.
Pizza makes its way to the tail gate of one of the trucks and we all dig in. 5 pizza gone in five minutes. Its almost 7:00pm and the trucks have been loaded up with the sleeping bags, backpacks, tools, toys for the children, dry wall, and food. A prayer for safety, blessings and a hope to make a difference. We all hop into the trucks, 31 people in all. A caravan of family, on a mission to love our extended family on the other side of the border in El Nino, Mexico.
Night creeps into summer sky, orange and blue turn to black. City lights guide the way now. But the constant chatter on the walkie talkie makes the drive go faster. Each truck filled with conversation. 5 questions where wrote, each with a motive to dig deep inside our soul to express who we really are. Sharing about our selves and what we are about, each person now has a better understanding of who they share there time with. Crossing over the border into Mexico is exciting, lights and activity all around you. Left turn right turn over a few speed bumps and 45 minutes later we are at our destination. Dirt roads, pink, yellow and green paint on the sides of homes, and Lo Mejor del Trigo, the church which will be our home for the next 2 days. Excited and full of joy everyone get out of there vehicles and greet out foreign friends. Unpacking our sleeping bags and backpacks we found out beds laid out calling our names. But first we all head up to the second story of the Church rows of chairs, light green walls, leading up to a stage looking like a rock concert plays there regularly, electric guitars, piano and drums. We all move to the front of the room eager to start worship before we fall asleep, Leo unpacks the acoustic guitar, tuning it quickly and starts playing. The room fills with praise, everyone singing out to the Lord, praising the Lord for all his blessings.
Looking around this room looks complete. Nothing like it was, just a little under a year that second story was a slab of concrete. The pastor of the church "Pastor Danny" went up to the front of the room and spoke of how glad he was that we are there. And we all felt the same way. A pray of thanks and we all went to our bunks and fell asleep.
Waking up to a misty, and cool morning, breakfast is ready and waiting, we all moved into the Kitchen at 7am. And by 8am we are up broken up into teams, 3 groups will drywall, 1 group to set up VBS for the kids out on the dirt soccer field, 1 team prayer walking the streets of El Nino, and the other team to go visit a local Hospice. Everyone helps unload the Drywall from the trucks. White dust everywhere as we haul all of it up to the second story of the church. The drywall will be used to complete the second building of this church. That once the building is completed will be able to hold up to 150 visitors at one time. Immediately the hammers start swinging, the work has began for the 3 groups. The other team picks up the Easy-up, toys, and crafts and head to the field. the prayer team hits the streets inviting people to Dinner at 6pm, and telling the kids to run to the field to go and play with the VBS team. And the Hospice team drives off to go serve and fellowship, this will be the 10th anniversary of this hospice, little did they know that much work will be waiting form them there. One hour goes by, hammers and drills still working hard, the prayer team is heading back to switch with jobs with one of the dry wall teams, the VBS team also switching up. Everyone will have seen the city, dry walled and played with the children of El Nino by the end of this day.
The Hospice team arrives at there location, these select individuals will be at this location all day. Preparing for the party at the hospice, the team gets groceries and starts cooking, some cook while others greet and talk with the people eager to celibate. This far different from what they had originally thought it would be like. Many thought death would be waiting for them but Death was not welcome there, only life. Life poured out each person there happy, celebrating, and enjoying each others company. Sitting at tables rejoicing in the glory of God.
Lunch time rolls around at the church and all the groups retire from there work. And head to the feat awaiting them in the kitchen. Fresh tortillas, guacamole, salsa, beans, grilled onions and peppers... Carne Asada tacos. And did that ever hit the spot. Smiles all around, conversation filling the room, we all sit down ready to eat.
Back at the hospice, the party has began. All types of food is there, serving over 100 people there joyful and ready to celebrate. The team hurry around serving all who are there. And then settling down to fellowship with eat with there new friends at the Hospice. and what preparation it was. But that was the end of there endeavors but only the beginning.
All teams at the church get back work. Not much time left, only about 4 hours before one team has to break off and start dinner. the dry wall moves fast across the rooms, covering every wall. Everyone pulling together helping one another. There is no stress here. Smiles and helping hands ready to serve. The day heats up and the prayer walking team hits the streets praying and talking to people they pass. The majority of the towns folk head inside there homes, resting during the heat of the day. But the Kids still out on the field coloring, playing and have a great time. The VBS is going well. The soccer field is getting full. A full fledged soccer game breaks out, running up and down the dirt field passing this way and that. A scream erupts as one team scores, GOALL!!!!!!!!!
The Hospice team now done with lunch heads back for desert, and having a great time with the people there. Some of the team has gone to fix broken pipes at the Hospice. Others starting to clean up from Lunch, and the rest fellowship.
Time moves fast for everyone. The day has been fruitful for all. I have been running around all day helping, and taking pictures of the events there where unfolding this entire day. 4pm comes and dinner is started. A few people from the dry wall team take a break in the shade talking about the day and how different Mexico is from America. Much conversation is passed between the group. As i head back into the dorms, I see that over half the building has been covered in drywall. they are almost out of drywall now and what good timing it had been. 5pm comes and all teams head back to the main part of the church to get ready for dinner. The Hospice team is back and in good form, we all are sitting now talking about the day, smiles and relief comes as we rest and wait for dinner.
Dinner is ready and we all head up stairs for fellowship and the people that have responded to our invitation to come eat with us. We bought food for 150 people and not a single scrap of food was left by the end of the night. Plates where full of food, Spanish and English collided in the room. Silence fell across the room as pastor Danny stepped up so express is thankfulness for all that we do for his community and church. Worship followed with a time of prayer.
9:00pm The church is empty all but the Pasos family sitting in a big circle ready to share about there day. A popcorn praise report starts the session with a closing of prayer. We pack up the trucks soon after the time of fellowship and say our goodbyes. Tiers fill some eyes while others smile with joy for the next time they return in December. We start the trucks pile in and wave our goodbyes "until next time mi amigos". And we are off back to the USA. 2 1/2 hours total and we are back safely in the church parking lot. Each ready to go home and fall asleep from the long, but blessed day. This is the mission we at Pasos live by; Go, Live, Love. And we do just that.
Thank you for reading this story. If you would like to join our loving family please fill out an application on the sandals groups page @ then to the Pasos page. I hope you enjoyed the story, but every time is different, so come. Live and learn with us.