Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Its been a while

Well its been a while since i last wrote on my blog. I feel rather distant from it now and look forward to getting back into writing about the event and thought in my life. So lets play a little catch up and let me tell you whats been going on. I have been at my new job for about 1 month now and I realize that i had no idea what really happen in the day of a Realtor. Church, well thats another beast, I have been running around like crazy with fund raisers and leadership ministry groups. Personal life... well I don't really know. I really would love to go camping and just relax go fishing and have a long quiet trail hike. sounds like a plan. anyone wana go?


cautious1 said...

Let me know the time and the place - I'll meet you! :)

Glad to get an update from you. Sounds like life is a bit hectic.

I will pray that life slows down for you and that you are able to find some time for relaxation in the midst of this crazy thing we call LIFE!

Anonymous said...

hey i found you in blog-world...now we can be real friends