Monday, May 12, 2008

Whats new??

I have been asked "whats new with you?" about 5 times this weekend and every time I said
"Everything, how about you?"
Well I have to be honest. There are a lot of new things happening in my life that I seem to over look but non the less they are new and do make me happy. For starters I am going to invest some money in some new equipment for my camera! YAY! I am going to get a new 50mm, 28 mm and a Flash (just got that from my dad).
But I have to say that I am living a blessed life right now and the only prayer that i have is "God use me!" and he is i just have to open up my eyes and see it.
Love and peace yall!

1 comment:

RobinDayle said...

Yay for photography.
One day, when I have money (ha), I would love to get into it.
I wanna see some pictures when you get out and take 'em.
Hope you're having a lovely Monday. :-)