Thursday, May 29, 2008

Without Christ, without hope (Eph. 2:12).

Reading Mark 5: 24-34, I have seen a new way to view sin. In many ways people look to the world to be healed of the sins that put them there to begin with. But why not rest in Jesus and let him wash away our sins? In this chapter, just the belief in Him, a woman was healed. And Jesus was not mad, He didn't turn around and scold the women for touching him but embraced her faith. Told her be healed and go on to live her faith to the fullest. What a testament to Gods awesome power.

But why do we feel He isn't adequate enough for us to be healed/ forgiven? Many people will forget God. We use him as a last resource. Let try putting him first for once.

How Great is our God!


Diana said...

Thanks for the reminder.

Love ya dude!

cautious1 said...

Thanks for the wonderful reminder of just how powerful our God truly is. Why is it that so often when things are good we take the credit and when they aren't so good, we start to question how a loving God could allow something bad to happen???? Don't you just LOVE to read the Word where we can find God's truthfulness???