Wednesday, April 23, 2008


The past few weeks I have been wondering why i have been so guarded and really, not myself. After many days of noting key behaviors I have been seeing. I have come the conclusion that I am running on empty. And if youre anything like me or 10% of the church that volunteers there time and puts there hearts into serving Jesus; you might have or might be experiencing this empty feeling that drives us away from our calling and makes us want to run away. I recently listened to Matt and Neils teaching on Refueling our mind, body and spirit. (this was during the broken in series) And when i went back to listen to them and actual apply what they have been trying to teach us, what a world of difference it has made. By just siting for 10-20 minutes and reading the word and putting down the bible and just sitting there thinking about what i read i feel filled and content. Then i will pray and meditate on God. This might sound crazy... "how can someone get refilled by doing more work and reading about God more?" Well didn't Jesus say that "if we drink his water we will never be thirsty ever again"? Try it, for all those running low on fuel. Refuel, get alone with God and he will refuel you beyond all measure.


RobinDayle said...

I found your blog! Yay.

cautious1 said...

This is a great reminder of how, in the midst of all of this craziness that we call life, we must spend time being in the Word and being relational with God.
Thanks for this great reminder.

P.S. I LOVE the picture of the flowers. What a great representation of the beauty that God blesses us with here on earth.